wedding shows and events

When I got engaged, I IMMEDIATELY started Googling wedding shows and events in the Portland area. I wanted to jump right in with getting ideas and deals for everything I would need for our wedding. Looking back, I definitely have realized the limitations and benefits of attending these events. So if you’re on the fence, keep reading!

Are wedding shows and events really worth my time?

The only wedding show I went to before my wedding was in Salem, Oregon (about 45 minutes south of Portland). While they did have some businesses from Portland, the vendors were mostly geared towards the Salem and Eugene area. So for me it was a bit of a waste of time.

However, after I got married one of my best friends got engaged and we went to a The Portland Bridal Show. It was at least 3 times bigger than the one I went to in Salem and it was PACKED with brides. I think it was really good for my friend because she was able to obtain a lot of information about photographers and venues and she won a ton of discounts through raffle drawings. To be honest though, I think it’s a bit overwhelming for a lot of brides. Also, it’s important to remember that there are so many other venues and photographers and bakeries that don’t come to these shows that might be just as good or better (and cheaper). So if you want to go to these big wedding events and shows, great! But also, do your research.

Portland wedding shows and events

When it comes right down to it, I think you can skip the big wedding shows and events. It’s worth it if you enter raffles and drawings and win prizes, but otherwise you can just as easily find vendor information online and through word of mouth.

What are your thoughts on wedding shows? Did you attend one when you were planning your wedding? Also, if you’re new to wedding planning, head to this post next!


