mini life crisis

Good morning loves. I’m sure you’ve all noticed I’ve been a little MIA lately. I think I’ve posted 1 blog post in the entire month of July, and maybe 2 or 3 times to Instagram #FUUUUCK. I tried to keep forcing myself to just write something, or just post any photos to IG, but I’ve felt so uninspired! So I thought what better way to share with you guys what’s been going on in my life than to write about it? I figure it all started around my birthday and my trip to LA, so let’s jump right in to my thoughts on turning 27 and my mini life crisis ๐Ÿ™‚

LA Trip

mini life crisis

First of all, when I went to LA I had the most amazing time. I’m actually going to be posting an LA trip review on Monday next week, so if anyone is thinking about visiting the City of Angels, I’ll have a list of my favorite clubs, restaurants, and activities ๐Ÿ™‚ I met some really cool people on my trip (perks of staying in a hostel), but I started to think a lot about my life and the way it looked compared to the way I thought it would look at 27 years of age (I know, dangerous right?). I had thoughts about my job and how I came about working in healthcare. Thoughts about marriage, where I lived, the things I’d done (both good and bad) throughout my 27 years. And I did the bad, bad thing of comparing my life to others and of course, jealousy started to sink it’s nasty teeth into my brain.

Mini Life Crisis

When I got back from LA, these thoughts didn’t just persist, they intensified. I’ve always known I was a bit of a dreamer, and as an introvert, I tend to be wrapped up in my thoughtsย allย the time. I’ve also had a pretty clear picture of who I am as a person and what I want my life to look like since I was 16 (at least, that’s the first time I consciously recognized it LOL). Of course as we get older and experience new things our hopes and views change, but in general, I know who I am. And I think being in LA really brought to light some things I’ve always known about myself that I’ve squashed down to fit new things into my life.

However, these confusing thoughts really threw me for a loop and caused what I’ve termed my “mini life crisis” LOL. Or as my GF called it, my late 20’s crisis ๐Ÿ˜‰ I started cutting myself off from my friends, neglecting my job, my internship, my blog, and worst of all, people I genuinely love and should be leaning on for support during this time.

Figuring Sh!t Out

mini life crisis

Luckily for me, I have some truly amazing people in my life. My blogger BFF Rachel from One Pot Slop totally text slapped some sense in to me and called me out on my BS (which simultaneously made me want to deliver her a swift kick to the crotch and a big sloppy kiss LOL). Also, my longtime BFF from Southern Oregon came up and visited me for 2 nights last weekend. We went on an amazing hike (details on Friday!), celebrated the Oregon Brewer’s Festival, and had lots of laughs and good conversations. It was exactly what I needed to start the “healing process” if you will.

mini life crisis

Thoughts on Turning 27

*Phew!* If you managed to stick with me to the end of all this garbage, then you’re my newest BFF haha. Basically the message I’m trying to deliver through this long-winded post is that sometimes life sucks for no other reason than it just effing sucks. I’ve found that I’m generally my worst enemy and I tend to bring myself down more than any outside force. However, no one wants to deal with a self-depressed friend or loved one, and it can be hard not to feel like you’ve just got to suck it up and get over it. What I’ve learned though (slowly and painfully over the past 27 years), is that the best thing you can do for yourself when you’re feeling depressed, confused, self-loathing, whatever…is to acknowledge it. Recognizing the fact that you feel like complete shit is literally the first step. I know I’m never going to be able to reflect on what’s bothering me until I accept the fact that I’m sad, or hurt, or whatever it is I’m feeling. So that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m going on long walks, listening to my favorite music, eating a second cookie (or a third….orrrr a fourth…), because sometimes, you just need to give yourself a damn break!

mini life crisis

Anywho, I’m sure there will be a part 2 to how this mini life crisis plays out, and I’ll be sure to keep you loves posted. I also want to thank each and every one of you, sincerely, for sticking by me this past year and a half, and especially this past month. I know some of you still come back and check my blog several times a week, and I’m sorry I’ve been letting you down.

I hope you’ll let me know in the comments what you thought about this post, and anything in general you’d like to share about your experiences with life crises, or just life in general ๐Ÿ™‚



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