I don’t know if you guys have heard of dry brushing, but if you haven’t, go check it out on Youtube – Marianna Hewitt and Chriselle Lim are both bloggers who have videos about dry brushing up.

If you don’t know what dry brushing is, it’s basically brushing your skin with a dry brush. Not a hair brush though, that would be weird. You want to use a brush that has pretty course hairs (I use a boar bristle brush). You also want to make sure you are brushing dry skin, and you are brushing in long strokes towards your heart.

Here are my thoughts on dry brushing!


  1. Increases circulation
    1. Dry brushing towards your heart can help increase your blood circulation! I like to start from my ankles and brush upwards towards my knees, then from my knees to my hips. On my arms, I go from my wrists to my shoulders with more arms hanging down at my sides.
  2. Exfoliates dead skin
    1. We’ve all heard how exfoliating your face with a microderm cleanser is important to help rejuvenate healthy skin, and that is exactly what dry brushing does for the rest of your body!
  3. Helps reduce the appearance of cellulite
    1. By increasing circulation and exfoliating dead skin, dry brushing can actually help to smooth out areas of skin that are affected by cellulite. I like to focus on areas that have dimples or harder lumps of cellulite (yeah, gross) and go over those areas a couple extra times.


  1. It hurts
    1. Dry brushing, at least to me, does not feel very pleasant. In fact, it actually kind of hurts. My skin is also very sensitive, so there are actually areas of my body that I can’t dry brush (the very tops of my legs, near my hips, and my abdomen for example).
  2. It’s messy
    1. You’re exfoliating your skin, right? So it makes sense that dead skin is gonna get everywhere, and I mean, EVERYWHERE! Here’s a little tip – stand in the bathtub while you dry brush so that the dead skin falls in there (yeah, gross again). That way you can also take a shower right after to make sure you wash all the dead skin off your body. And don’t forget to moisturize!

Even though it hurts and it’s messy, I still like to do it because I feel like I am helping my body to be the healthiest version it can be 🙂 I really like to dry brush and then use a skin firming cream like Sol de Janeiro Brazilian Bum Bum Cream (click here for my blog post reviewing this and another skin firming cream!).

What do you guys think of dry brushing? Does it hurt as much as my wimpy self says it does? haha let me know in the comments!



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